Campaign Overviews
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Vaping Addiction Campaign
The Scottish Government has re-launched the ‘Vaping Addiction’ campaign aimed at parents and carers of 10-17 year olds. The aim is to help increase awareness of the harms and risks of addiction of vaping for children and young people.

Right Care Right Place Campaign
The Right Care Right Place campaign will launch next week with campaign assets now available for use across partner channels.

‘Be the Early Bird’ campaign - new social assets now available
Following up on our previous 'Be The Early Bird' - Detect Cancer Earlier launch email in August, we wanted to make you aware that we have added new social assets and supporting copy to the stakeholder toolkit.

World Menopause Day - 18 October - Animation and Films for Sharing
October is Menopause Awareness Month with World Menopause Day being held this week, on Friday 18 October.

Fireworks Safety Campaign Launch
It’s nearly Bonfire Night, and ahead of 5 November the Scottish Government and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are launching a campaign to highlight the dangers associated with fireworks misuse and the laws designed to help keep us all safe.

Menopause Awareness Month
To support Menopause Awareness Month this October, the Menopause campaign aims to raise awareness of symptoms that could be menopause and help empower women to navigate this transition with more confidence.

Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week – films to share
A reminder that it’s Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week and this year we are encouraging all women and girls to celebrate the many ways they can lead the way in sports. We want every woman and girl in Scotland to feel inspired to get active. To help achieve this, we encourage you and your organisation to shine a light on those leaders who inspire women and girls to take part and get active.

Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week 2024 is here!
Scottish Women and Girls in Sport Week launched today and is running until Sunday 6 October. This year has kicked off with a campaign film of women and girls telling us who inspired them to get active and why they enjoy staying active. The film also features Jasmin Paris MBE who earlier this year became the first women to successfully complete the Barkley marathons.

'Home First' Stakeholder Toolkit
The 'Home First' approach in Scotland emphasises the importance of recovering at home once a patients medical treatment is complete. It brings together the different strands of support needed to allow this to happen and help maintain a patient’s independence.

Supporting Families
We know that many families are facing growing financial difficulties, especially with the current cost of living pressures. As autumn sets in, these challenges can feel even more overwhelming with colder weather and longer nights, and we want to support those families.

Organ and Tissue Donation Week is here!
Marking 30 years of the NHS Organ Donor Register, Organ and Tissue Donation Week provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of organ and tissue donation and remind people to make their donation decision known.