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SARCS Campaign - Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week (Monday 3 - Sunday 9 February 2025)

This Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week we’re highlighting the important service that SARCS in Scotland offers. NHS Scotland's Sexual Assault Response Coordination Services (SARCS) provides crucial healthcare and support in the days after rape or sexual assault. This confidential service is available even if you're not ready to report it to the police.

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Mind to Mind - Mental Health Campaign Launch

The Mind to Mind campaign launches today, in its fourth phase of activity the campaign continues to encourage people to look after their mental wellbeing.

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Support Road Safety Scotland's Seatbelt Safety Campaign - #ArriveAlive

Road Safety Scotland and the Scottish Government have today launched an important campaign warning drivers that not wearing a seatbelt could cost them their lives, and have a devastating impact on the loved ones they leave behind.