Vaping Addiction Campaign
The Scottish Government has re-launched the ‘Vaping Addiction’ campaign aimed at parents and carers of 10-17 year olds. The aim is to help increase awareness of the harms and risks of addiction of vaping for children and young people.
The Scottish Government’s long-term goal is to ensure that young people are not growing up addicted to vapes or to nicotine. While vaping continues to be one tool to help those who are tobacco smokers to reduce or end their nicotine habit, there is an increase among the younger population who are choosing to vape having never smoked.
To avoid vaping becoming a pathway to smoking and to tackle the consequences of this product where the long term health risks are not known, the ‘Vaping Addiction’ campaign will help educate young people and their parents about this new and evolving product. It also aims to support parents on how they can talk to their child about the risks and consequences.
Campaign Toolkit
The campaign toolkit can be found via the SG Marketing Resources Centre here.
The toolkit contains assets with messaging which speak to parents/carers, providing helpful hints and tips on how to approach and discuss the subject of vaping with their child. It also contains assets with messaging which speaks directly to the young person/child, aiming to discourage from vaping.
The campaign toolkit contains the following:
- A4 poster (with and without crops)
- A4 Poster translations available in for both adult facing and young people facing posters
- Factsheet and leaflet for parents/carers
- Social statics, animations and accompanying copy
- Expert film - Linda Bauld talks about the impacts of vaping on young people
- Expert film - Mark Hunter provides advice on how to talk to your child about vaping
- Web banner headers
- Newsletter copy
- Campaign images
- Messaging in BSL
How You Can Help
- Post the social statics, animations and suggested social copy across your channels
- Share the expert films across your networks
- Utilise the web banner headers on your websites
- Print, display/distribute the A4 poster in visible areas
- Add newsletter copy with campaign images to email circulars, websites etc.
If you have any questions on this please do not hesitate to get in touch.