World Menopause Day - 18 October - Animation and Films for Sharing
October is Menopause Awareness Month with World Menopause Day being held this week, on Friday 18 October.
World Menopause Day aims to help improve women’s health and wellbeing by raising awareness about the symptoms of menopause and the support options available.
We ask for your support during World Menopause Day on Friday 18 October (and beyond) by sharing or posting as much menopause content as possible. Through raising awareness of the symptoms of menopause and the support options available, we hope to help empower women to navigate this transition in their lives with more confidence.
How You Can Help
- Post social media animation and copy across your social channels
- Share social media videos and copy across your social channels
- Post social media imagery and copy across your social channels
- Print and display the downloadable poster
- Re-share menopause social posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X and LinkedIn - please find the provisional posting schedule here.
All campaign resources can be found via the SG Marketing Resource Centre.
Your help and support with this campaign is much appreciated. If you require assistance with the assets or have any questions on the campaign, please do not hesitate to get in touch.