Campaign Overviews

52 items found, showing page 5 of 5

Campaign Banner - Mental Health Employer Platform - 960 x 540

Updated Campaign Resources - The Mental Health & Wellbeing Platform for Employers

Revised Stakeholder Toolkit and campaign assets now available.

Campaign Banner - Save a Life for Scotland - Play Your Part-3

Save a Life for Scotland 'Play Your Part' Campaign Launch

Today marks the launch of Save a Life Scotland's 'Play Your Part' Campaign, which aims to empower Disabled people to be ready to play their part in saving a life in cardiac arrest cases.

Campaign Banner - Mental Health Employer Platform - 960 x 540

Supporting a Mentally Healthy Workplace - Mental Health & Wellbeing Platform for Employers

Today a new Mental Health & Wellbeing Platform for Employers has been launched by the the Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland, which streamlines employer access to free and reputable health and wellbeing resources. 

Campaign Banner - RCRP Receptionist Campaign

Right Care Right Place - Receptionist Campaign

The Right Care Right Place – Receptionist Campaign aims to create a greater understanding of the pivotal role receptionists play in signposting people to the right care for their specific healthcare needs.