RCRP & Stay Well This Winter PR Gloo banner - Nov 2022 (2)

Safety Behaviours and Right Care Right Place - Campaign Launches

Stay Well This Winter

Right Care Right Place

The Right Care Right Place (RCRP) campaign aims to help the public use health and social care services appropriately. Key to this is communicating to the public the range of options available:

  • Go to A&E if you have a life threatening condition such as a stroke, heart attack or severe bleeding
  • If it’s not an emergency then you can: contact their general practice during the day, call NHS 24 on 111 day or night, visit your local pharmacy or use the self-help guides on NHS inform for practical advice and information.

It is important that the public have a clear understanding of how and where to access the right help and support for their specific health needs, enabling them to take charge of their own health, save them time and alleviating some of the pressures the NHS is facing.

You can access the Right Care Right Place resources via the SG Campaign Resource Centre here.

Stay Well This Winter – Safety Behaviours

As COVID-19 and flu can spread more in the winter, it’s important to do the things that help to keep everyone safe. The Stay Well This Winter campaign has been developed to remind and encourage the public of the key safety behaviours.

The key messages for all include:

  • Wear a face covering in indoor crowded spaces and on public transport
  • Socialise in well-ventilated spaces when you can
  • Follow the latest guidance if you’re unwell

And specifically for members of the public that need more protection from COVID-19 and flu:

  • Consider wearing a Distance Aware lanyard or badge when you’re out in public places
  • Get the winter COVID-19 and flu vaccines

You can access the Stay Well This Winter – Safety Behaviours resources via the SG Campaign Resource Centre here.

The campaign materials have been added to and are available to download via the Winter Resource Hub.

For ease, the hub also includes other campaigns which have various messages which may help in communications with your audiences:

Support can be shown by:

  • Sharing social films, GIFs and/or statics with accompanying copy via your social channels
  • Using campaign logos on comms where appropriate
  • Printing / displaying / circulating posters in visible areas and across your networks
  • Following the SG channels Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and re-sharing content

Further updates will be provided to support winter resilience.