Campaign Overviews
5 items found

Pharmacy First Services Scotland
To help promote Pharmacy First services in Scotland two stakeholder toolkits are now available: one specifically for women's health services and one for general services.

National Test of the UK Emergency Alerts Service - 3:00-3:30pm Sunday 23 April
The national test of the UK Government's Emergency Alerts Service is happening between 3:00-3:30pm this Sunday to ensure the technology operates as intended and alert messages are received by all compatible handsets.

Detect Cancer Earlier Campaign
We are delighted to share the new Detect Cancer Earlier campaign ‘Be the Early Bird’ which launches today, 6 March 2023.

Parental Employability and Financial Support Campaign
Parent Club have launched a new campaign to help families who were already struggling and are now feeling completely overwhelmed by the additional pressures brought on by the current economic crisis.

Wellbeing for Wee Ones
Parent Club have launched the Wellbeing for Wee Ones campaign, which is aimed at parents of young babies.