Campaign Banner - Speed

Road Safety - Speeding Campaign Launch

Today, the Scottish Government, including the Scottish Safety Camera Programme, is launching a new road safety campaign to tackle speeding. With 1 in 5 deaths on Scotland’s roads caused by speeding, drivers are urged to slow down to help reduce collisions and casualties.

Running across TV, radio and digital channels, the campaign delivers a strong message to drivers – You only have to lose control once.

No matter how experienced you are as a driver, a collision can happen to anyone, and the consequences could be devastating. By reducing your speed you can make Scotland’s roads safer for everyone.

The campaign also highlights the crucial role of safety cameras to help reduce speed, collisions and casualties - ultimately saving lives.

For more details, go to Road Safety Scotland’s Speed Web Page

How you Can Help

The Speed Stakeholder Toolkit link is below, where you’ll find more details about the campaign, key messages and suggested social media posts. The campaign is now live on the Road Safety Scotland Facebook and Twitter pages and we’d love you to share these posts across your own social channels using the hashtag #ArriveAlive

Access all assets on our Speed Campaign Resource Page

If you have any question on the campaign, please don't hesitate to get in touch.