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Road Safety Scotland's ‘Drive on the Left’ Campaign

With the peak tourist season fast approaching, Road Safety Scotland is launching its 'Drive on the Left' campaign again urging overseas drivers to stay safe and alert during their journeys throughout Scotland.

Campaign Background

  • Scotland welcomes millions of visitors every year, and many of these visitors enjoy bringing, or hiring, a vehicle to experience the beauty of Scotland’s rural landscapes.
  • Many visitors may be unfamiliar with driving etiquette in Scotland, particularly in more rural locations, for example, using single-track roads and passing places.
  • Recently, there has been a number of fatal accidents and near-misses involving drivers from overseas.
  • To tackle this, the Scottish Government and Road Safety Scotland (part of Transport Scotland) are running the 'Drive on the Left' campaign to encourage drivers and riders to plan ahead and be cautious on Scotland’s roads, in preparation for the 2024 peak tourist season.

How You Can Help

We would love your help in reminding visitors via your communications channels to drive on the left and to take extra care on Scotland’s roads. The 'Drive on the Left' Stakeholder Toolkit includes example social media posts plus images and videos available for use.

Campaign Materials Available

Driving is an ingrained habit so we have prepared materials to remind visitors to drive on the left during their time in Scotland. You could help by distributing:

Campaign Materials - Drive on the Left

To receive a batch of the materials free of charge please contact to order. 

Many thanks in advance for your support.