Campaign Banner - Rethink Dementia

Rethink Dementia Campaign - NOW LIVE

Today marks the launch of the new 'Rethink Dementia' campaign, in partnership with COSLA.

The campaign encourages people to 'Rethink Dementia' as evidence shows social contact can help alleviate some symptoms commonly associated with dementia and help them stay well for longer.  By maintaining contact with friends or loved ones living with a dementia diagnosis and doing the things we’ve always done with them, we can all make a difference.

This important campaign was developed in collaboration with a National Lived Experience Panel and in response to insight that shows many people associate dementia primarily with its later stages.  Also, there is a lack of understanding that it is a progressive disease and that in the earlier stages particularly, people can live independent, fulfilling lives.

Rethink Dementia will run on TV, cinema, outdoor, press, digital and radio for five weeks.  The campaign will target 30-60 years olds living in Scotland, however it is relevant to everyone - younger or older.

Key Messages

  • When a friend or relative is diagnosed with dementia it’s natural not to know what to do, but helping someone stay connected, socially active, and doing many of the things you’ve always done together, can help them stay well for longer.
  • Making an effort to maintain social contact can help alleviate symptoms of depression, agitation, sleep disturbance, anxiety and apathy that often come with dementia. 
  • Reducing these symptoms could help improve their wellbeing.
  • For more information visit

Help Us Spread the Word

We would be delighted if you can support the campaign through your channels to help extend the reach of 'Rethink Dementia'.  The following assets are available in the toolkit or can be downloaded from the resource centre.  Please use #RethinkDementia when sharing on social channels.

If you have any questions or any thoughts about how we can work together, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thanks so much in advance for your support.