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Recruit Veterans Website Launch

The Scottish Government and Veterans’ Scotland are proud to launch the Recruit Veterans Campaign and new website –, designed to reach employers across Scotland and communicate the benefits that employing veterans can bring to businesses.

An estimated 1,800 veterans will settle in Scotland, each bringing valuable transferable skills, qualifications and experiences from their time in the services. Despite their huge potential, these talented individuals can face additional challenges when entering the civilian job market, from how to communicate their skill sets, to navigating new terminology and working cultures.

The ‘Recruit Veterans’ campaign aims to make more businesses aware of veterans’ unique qualities and learn how they can further adapt their business to attract veterans and support them once in post. A range of social and physical assets have been developed to help you share details about the new resources with your employer networks, and encourage them to the Recruit Veterans website for more information and support.

To access further information and support, please fill in the Recruit Veterans Contact Form.


Recruit Veterans Website

The Recruit Veterans website is an invaluable resource for employers wanting to learn more about the benefits of hiring veterans and how to attract them to their business. The website features video case studies from employers who have already successfully recruited veterans. Information about future events to support businesses to employ veterans will also be available on the Recruit Veterans website.

Employers looking to hire veterans can complete the website contact form to request further support from relevant organisations who will be able to offer employers tailored information on veteran employment.

Stakeholder Resources

The Recruit Veterans Stakeholder Pack contains the following resources to help you share the campaign with your network:

  • Campaign information
  • Website overview
  • Social assets – campaign film, social images, email signature, web banners
  • Social post copy
  • Printable assets – A4, A3, A5 double sided leaflet
  • Newsletter and Intranet copy

All campaign assets can be downloaded via the Recruit Veterans Stakeholder Resource Page.

Ways you can support the ‘Recruit Veterans’ Campaign

Please encourage employers in your network to utilise the resources and support available by:

  1. Visiting the Recruit Veterans website and accessing the support available.
  2. Sharing information about the campaign with colleagues and their wider business networks via internal and external communications channels.
  3. Attending upcoming events listed on the Recruit Veterans website.

We really appreciate your interest in supporting this important initiative. We believe that with your involvement we can help to make a real difference to veterans and the businesses you work with.

If you have any questions relating to the campaign or if we can help you to spread the word further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.