'Home First' Stakeholder Toolkit
The 'Home First' approach in Scotland emphasises the importance of recovering at home once a patients medical treatment is complete. It brings together the different strands of support needed to allow this to happen and help maintain a patient’s independence.
A hospital is the right place for medical checks and treatment, but it is not the best environment to recover in if an individual is clinically fit. Staying in hospital for longer than necessary may reduce independence, result in the loss of muscle strength or increase risk of infection.
This updated toolkit and information relating to 'Home First' is tailored to support patient discussions around discharge and recovering at home.
Why 'Home First'?
Continuing recovery at home can reduce the risk of physical and mental health problems brought on from deconditioning, Recovery at home can also:
- reduce the risk of getting infections,
- let a patient return to some parts of their usual routine.
Stakeholder Toolkit
The Home First Stakeholder Toolkit contains the following:
- Key messages
- New social assets including suggested copy
- Static social media assets including suggested copy (existing)
- A4 and A3 posters
- Social films
- Editorial and newsletter copy
- Web banners
All 'Home First' campaign resources can be accessed via the SG Marketing Resource Centre - Home First
How You Can Help
- Share social statics, videos and digital assets with accompanying copy via your owned channels
- Display posters in relevant areas
- Provide leaflets to relevant audiences
- Re-share posts from the Healthier Scotland Facebook channel and follow the Scottish Government Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts
Thank you in advance for your help, for any questions please do get in touch.