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Scotland’s Climate Week - 23 - 29 September 2024

Scotland’s Climate Week, held annually since 2016, brings together communities and organisations across the country to support climate action. This year, Climate Week will run from 23 – 29 September and the focus will be on sharing “Stories for Change”.

We’re very excited to share this year’s toolkit and assets with you, allowing you to plan your Climate Week activity.

The Scottish Government’s vision is for everyone in Scotland to recognise the implications of the global climate emergency, fully understand and contribute to Scotland's response, and embrace their role in the transition to a net zero and climate ready Scotland. Scotland's Climate Week and Let's Do Net Zero campaign are essential as we drive forward the climate action necessary to achieve net zero emissions.

Stories for Change

By harnessing the power of storytelling our goal is to increase understanding around climate change and inspire more people, organisations and communities to take action.

Everyone knows that taking climate action is good for the planet, but by sharing “Stories for Change” we can highlight the co-benefits that these actions have for us too and show that we can all take positive steps in our own lives to help tackle climate change.

Maybe you’re organisation is encouraging active travel and improving employee motivation and happiness. Or perhaps your organisation or business is mapping out its sustainability journey and you’ve found a few cost-saving tricks along the way.

We encourage your organisation, or individuals within it, to share how they are tackling climate change in any way, big or small, by sharing stories on social media using the hashtag #ScotClimateWeek.

Visit Scotland’s Climate Week page on the Net Zero website. 

Scotland’s Climate Week Toolkit

Our campaign toolkit has all the information and inspiration you need to help you and your organisation get involved and share your “Stories for Change”.

  • Posters to showcase Climate Week in your community and throughout your organisation.
  • Social media assets to promote your involvement in Climate Week and share with your networks.
  • Content calendar to help you plan content and reposting in-line with SG's Net Zero channels.
  • Editorial copy for you to use on your website, intranet and other channels

In addition, you can find further information to help encourage people to take action via the Net Zero Website. This includes background information, facts and stats. 

How You Can Get Involved

  • Share social media assets across your channels using  #ScotClimateWeek.
  • Tell your own climate story via social media using #ScotClimateWeek.
  • Follow the Let’s Do Net Zero Facebook, LinkedIn, X and Instagram pages and reshare content to your channels.
  • Print and display the posters and tent cards and display them in your organisation or local community.
  • Share the messages and editorial copy on your website in newsletters and emails.
  • Showcase and share the actions you or your organisation are taking around climate change.
  • Circulate the toolkit across your organisation and network.

For any questions or to discuss possible activities on Scotland’s Climate Week, please get in touch. We appreciate many partners have already shared emerging plans with us and we look forward to hearing more.

With your valued support we will make this year, Scotland’s most impactful Climate Week yet.