Renters' Rights Campaign Launch
The Scottish Government has launched the Renters’ Rights Campaign, which aims to inform tenants, landlords and letting agents about the ending of the emergency Cost of Living (Tenant Protection) Act, while also ensuring that tenants are aware of and feel confident about using their renting rights.
The Renters' Rights Campaign will be running across out of home poster and digital media channels until late March. There is also an updated Renters' Rights website supporting the campaign, which outlines their rights, the change in regulations and an online tool to help tenants see how the new rules could apply to them.
Stakeholder Resources
The Renters Rights Stakeholder Toolkit outlines all campaign information and available resources, including:
- Static social media assets
- Suggested social media copy
- Suggested email to tenants
- Email footer
- Poster
- Renters' Rights infographic
- Renters’ Rights summary sheet
- Summary sheet in additional languages
- Summary sheet in BSL, Easy Read, large print and audio
You can find all campaign resources via the SG Marketing Resource Centre - Renters' Rights Campaign
How You Can Help
- Please share the campaign assets with your network and through your social media channels. There are social assets with suggested copy that you can customise for your audiences.
- If you don’t already, please follow Scottish Government on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to share and retweet content.
Many thanks for your continued help and support. If you have any questions on any of the above please don’t hesitate to get in touch.