Cost of Living Support
A new campaign aimed at supporting people across Scotland through the current cost of living crisis has launched.
The cost of living crisis presents an ongoing challenge to people and families across Scotland, with many struggling to make ends meet. As part of its response to this situation, the Scottish Government has launched a marketing campaign promoting a new website that brings together in one place information on support, grants, benefits and advice, in order to help people find what support they may be entitled to.
The campaign will run from 28 September to 22 November across various media channels, including TV, out-of-home, radio and digital. Additionally the campaign will work to amplify campaign messages through PR and partnership activity.
Key messages
- Household expenses, rents and travel costs are increasing and many people are finding it difficult to pay their bills. In some cases you may be eligible for benefits or schemes that could help.
- Energy bills are rising, but in many cases help and financial support may be available to help heat homes more efficiently and reduce heating bills. It’s important to reach out for support if it’s needed.
- Many people are worried about money just now. There are benefits, grants, and free services available which may help you increase your income.
- Parenting is hard at the best of times, but when money worries hit it can be overwhelming. From free school meals or help with day-to-day costs, you could be eligible for support.
- If you're worried about money or how to deal with debt, you're not alone. Anyone can find themselves overwhelmed by financial worries, but there's support and advice available to help you.
- Rising costs can have a bigger impact on some people including older people, disabled people and those who care for them. Make sure you're getting all the assistance you're entitled to.
- If you rent your home, you have rights such as being protected from unfair evictions or rent increases.
Visit gov.scot/costoflivingsupport for more information.
How You Can Help
- Share campaign digital assets across your social channels
- Like and follow the Scottish Government's Facebook, Twitter and/ or Instagram channels and re-share posts to your own channels
- Use the web banners across your websites where possible
- Use the campaign badge to align your own materials with the campaign
Stakeholder Toolkit
The toolkit attached includes the following:
- A cost of living campaign badge
- Link to the new cost of living support website, and details on campaign timings
- Social media image assets and suggested accompanying copy
- Website banner images
Following the initial launch, we are continuing to develop assets to support the campaign, and will circulate an updated version of this toolkit to stakeholders that features additional resources w/c 10 October.
If you have any questions on the campaign or require assistance with the assets, please do not hesitate to get in touch.