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Climate Conversations Pack Launch

This week see the launch of the Scottish Governments Climate Conversations Pack.

As climate change is one of the biggest issues facing humanity, the Climate Conversations Pack seeks to encourage the people of Scotland to start having climate conversations with others, to create a better understanding of climate change and to encourage positive behaviour change which will help Scotland on its journey to net zero.

View the Climate Conversations Page on the Net Zero Website

Why You Should Get Involved

  • Research by the Scottish Government shows that 84% of people in Scotland are concerned about climate change, so it’s an issue that matters to your employees. 

84 percent of Scots are concerned about climate change | Ipsos (2020)

  • We also know that people are more likely to change their environmental habits if they see colleagues and others around them doing the same and can see collective efforts

How You Can Help

  • Please share the assets across your channels where appropriate, referencing the hashtags #ClimateConversations #LetsDoNetZero
  • If you don’t already, please follow our Net Zero Scotland SG channels across FacebookTwitter, Instagram and LinkedIn 
  • Organise and promote your own Climate Conversation in your organisation using all the tools available to you in the toolkit and on the website.

Climate Conversations Toolkit

This Stakeholder Toolkit has been created to promote and encourage these conversations in your organisation. There are a range of assets available to you to support this pack, including:

  • Evites and posters to invite people to your own event,
  • Social media assets to promote your involvement in climate conversations and share with your networks
  • Al the supporting information you need to have a climate conversation is available via the Net Zero Website, including background, discussion points and facts and stats.

All campaign assets are available to download via the Climate Conversations Pack Stakeholder Page 

If you have any questions on the campaign please get in touch.

Many thanks for your help, and wishing you the best for your climate conversations!

Kind regards,
